viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013

Ways to greeting - Formas de Saludar - 挨拶する方法

In the spanish language we have many ways to greeting for different moments of the day.

On the morning.

This way to greeting we can to use since 1:00 am to 11:59 am

Buenos días - Good Morning - おはようございます

On the Afternoon.

This way to greeting we can to use since 12:00Pm to 18:59 pm

Buenas tardes - Good Afternoon - こんばんは

On the night

on the night the way to greeting is.

Buenas noches - Good night - おやすみなさい

Others ways to greeting.

When we want say Hello we can say .

Hola - Hello - こんにちは

If any person says us Hola we can answer the same Hola.

If you want ask How are you you can say 

¿Como estas? - ¿How are you? - お元気ですか?

to this question you can answer fine, thanks.

Bien, Gracias - fine, thanks - 元気です

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